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46% of Companies Recycle Their Used Paper

2021-12-02 17:10:38 By Henan Honest

Nearly half of companies submit their paper for recycling, according to a study by Officemart, which collects recycling waste from companies for free. 54% of offices discard their paper, and nearly 60% do not know that other office supplies such as markers are also recyclable in addition to paper.

94% of respondents are willing to give their paper for recycling if it has previously gone through a shredder (48%) or have a contract with the collecting organization that guarantees confidentiality (46%) because protection of personal data is a priority for all companies.

Officemart collects offset paper, unprocessed or shredded, for recycling. The paper must be without staples, tape and other coatings and varnishes, collected in sacks or boxes of copier paper. Companies receive vouchers for the purchase of office supplies or recycled paper gift kits.

Henan Honest Heavy Machinery :,All rights reserved。

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