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Current Trends in Paper Recycling

2021-11-16 17:15:00 By Henan Honest

The paper recycling rate continues to improve, although the industry has been negatively impacted by depressed global prices and challenges associated with contamination during the curbside recycling process. One positive development has been an increase in curbside OCC generation, which is attributed to the growth of e-commerce and home delivery. Paper is increasingly used more for packaging and less for communication, resulting in an evolving mix of material being generated.

The requirements for recycling paper in the United States vary by state. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia have passed laws requiring that all paper grades are to be recycled. California requires that businesses recycle newspaper, and in Connecticut, it is mandatory that all waste generators recycle newspapers, magazines, and white and colored office paper. Maine, South Dakota, and Virginia have also adopted targeted mandatory paper recycling requirements.

One entrepreneurial activity associated with paper recycling is paper shredding. According to insiders, an investment in the $30,000–$60,000 range is required to purchase a truck and shredding machine combination. Revenue is derived from businesses requiring confidential shredding services, as well as selling the shredded paper to the recycling plant.

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