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The maintence of face mask making machine

2021-11-04 17:17:38 By Henan Honest

It is very important to buy the mask machine for maintenance. The first maintenance is done properly. The equipment is also smooth during the operation. The masks manufactured meet the standards, and the details have a large impact area. Let's check the common problems and treatment methods under the mask machine: 1. Appearance: The mask is used to wear on the face, and some even need to be used in the operating room. . You can organize personnel to clean the work surface of the equipment and the dishes holding the masks after shutting down and powering off every day. Be careful not to use water or oil. You can also use alcohol and other non-toxic and volatile cleaning fluids.

The mask machine adopts the ultrasonic welding method, and the conveying equipment is provided on the machine table, and the mask semi-products are input to the conveying equipment, and the rim is wrapped by the pull cylinder, and then pressed by the ultrasonic flower wheel, the bandage is blocked, and then the products are output, only one person Put the mask on the belt of the inner ear mask manufacturer, and all subsequent operations will be completed automatically. Machine features of inner ear mask machine manufacturers: the inner ear mask machine manufacturers use aluminum alloy and stainless steel for the frame, which is light and beautiful and does not rust. Active counting can effectively control the production power and production progress.

Henan Honest Heavy Machinery :,All rights reserved。

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