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Choose the environmental double shaft shredder for gree environment

2021-08-25 17:35:31 By Henan Honest

Due to environmental protection reasons in recent years, many customers have stricter requirements when crushing materials. The environmental protection department eliminates the generation of smoke and harmful gases. As a new type of shredding equipment, the double shaft shredder is used in this environmental storm environment. It was born. Its advantages include low noise during work, low smoke and dust, high equipment reliability, low failure rate, and a series of advantages, which quickly occupied the crushing industry market. In addition, the double shaft shredder replaced the traditional crusher to a certain extent. Because the doubel shaft shredder is noisy and dusty when shredding materials, and does not meet environmental protection requirements, so many customers are buying shredders to replace the traditional shredders.

So, is there no smoke or dust during the working process of the dual shaft shredder? It will definitely happen, depending on the cleanliness of the crushed materials. If the materials are too dirty, the generated dust will be relatively large. For example, the dust will be relatively large when the double shaft shredder works. The reason why Honest designed the environmentally friendly shredder is to recover all the smoke and dust from the feed bin and the discharge port to achieve a dust-free working state. Our design was inspired by a customer who needed a FRP shredder. Because FRP dust is large and fibrous FRP is emitted into the air, if people breathe it, they will have a serious impact on the human lungs, so we will design the tearing machine in the future. Among the doubel shaft shredders, if customers need to do dust-free work, we recommend the new environmentally friendly shredder.

In fact, the design of the environmental protection shredder is also relatively simple. It is to install a dust cover on the upper part of the shredder cavity, use the conveyor to feed the material, connect the dust removal pipe to the upper part of the dust cover, and install a dust collection tube at the discharge port. Then the dust generated in the two places is collected by a pulse dust collector. This design can achieve environmental protection standards and a clean working environment in the workshop. For this kind of workplace, it not only conforms to the environmental protection policy, but also cleans the work. The environment improves the safety at work.

Henan Honest Heavy Machinery :,All rights reserved。

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