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Pay more attention to the metal shredder maintenance

2021-03-19 10:46:07 By Henan Honest

Scrap metal, as a new recyclable resource, has an increasingly prominent status. To achieve energy saving, metal shredders must ensure high cleanliness, high output, low noise, and reduce the frequency of failures. The metal shredder equipment has a small discharge granularity, and the fineness of the discharged material can be adjusted. Others throw away the old traditional screen bottom, and any material with a large water content can be shredded, so that the shredding function of the equipment can be well played.

Metal shredder is the most popular crushed metal material processing equipment in the recycling industry. The production of metal shredders in terms of technology to shred all kinds of scrap metal raw materials has excellent development prospects both in China and overseas. Metal shredders solve various shredding plans for customers, from single to complete system design.

In order to ensure the continuous operation of the metal shredder in production and prolong the service life of the equipment, maintenance and maintenance should be carried out frequently during the use process. The content of maintenance inspection includes all-round inspection of the fastening of fixed parts, belt drive, bearing seal, counterattack liner, and wear of the liner, and a regular maintenance and replacement system is established in combination with the maintenance cycle.

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