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The importance of metal shredder blades

2021-02-04 10:55:17 By Henan Honest

Metal shredder is a professional mechanical equipment for shredding scrap metal. With the continuous popularity of metal shredders, it greatly reduces the pollution and occupation of the surrounding environment caused by excessive waste passing through. Excessive floor space and increased costs when shipping. As the blade is an important part of the metal shredder, the materials suitable for shredding different blades are also different, so special attention should be paid to the selection of the blade, only the suitable blade can exert the strength of the metal shredder, so as to achieve The expected output, let me share with you some methods when choosing metal shredder blades.

When the metal shredder is working, the blade will cause different degrees of wear when shredding materials. Therefore, the choice of the blade must first ensure wear resistance, and the wear-resistant blade can ensure that the blade can be increased at the same working efficiency. service life. The second is the material of the blade. The materials applied to the blades of different materials are also different. Therefore, before selecting the blade, you must first consider the nature of the shredded material. When it is determined, the material of the shredder blade can be determined, so that you can choose a metal shredder blade with good wear resistance and suitable for own production.

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