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Problems and solutions encountered in the working process of double shaft shredders

2022-03-26 17:14:04 By Henan Honest

With the rapid development of society, double-shaft shredders have become a common equipment in the market, and the number of users who use shredders is increasing, so there are more and more problems encountered. No matter what kind of mechanical equipment on the market works for a long time or is operated improperly, it will fail. So what are the common faults of double shaft shredder equipment in the process of use, and how to solve them? Let me introduce to you here.

1. Double shaft shredder When the rotor of the motor is not concentric with the double shaft shredder rotor, the machine will produce overall vibration. A copper sheet can be placed on the bottom surface of the support bearing seat, or an adjustable wedge iron can be added to the bottom of the bearing. This fault can be eliminated by ensuring that the two shaft heads are concentric.

2. The local vibration of the rotor crushing chamber inside the double-shaft shredder is relatively large. The reason is that the connection between the coupling and the rotor is not concentric or the quality of the flat hammer inside the rotor is not uniform. Corresponding methods can be used to adjust the connection between the coupling and the motor according to different types of couplings: when the quality of the hammers is uneven, each group of hammers must be re-selected to make the symmetrical hammer double-shaft shredder system work. The anchor bolts are loose or the foundation is not strong. During installation or maintenance, the anchor bolts should be tightened evenly. A shock absorber should be installed between the anchor foundation and the crusher to reduce vibration. When loose, the body may also vibrate strongly.

3. When there are sundries in the double-shaft shredder blade or the crushing cavity, it will also cause vibration. To eliminate this fault, it is necessary to clean the crushing cavity and clean up the debris in the crushing cavity. In fact, when these small faults occur, if the corresponding reasons can be found, these small faults can be accurately eliminated. Of course, it has a great relationship with the operating technicians, understands the problems related to the double-shaft shredder, and can solve any faults presented by the double-shaft shredder very well.

Henan Honest Heavy Machinery :,All rights reserved。

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