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The operating procedures of the metal shredder

2023-08-22 16:41:41 By Henan Honest

As mechanical equipment, different equipment has its own different operation methods and skills. For some new users, it is very important to master the operation methods and procedures of metal shredders. Next, our manufacturer will share with you Let's take a look at the operating procedures of the metal shredder.

First of all, before operating the metal shredder, make sure that there is no problem with the circuit of the equipment. Secondly, check the installation and fixing of the blade and bolts, and whether there is any jamming of the rotating rotor. If everything is normal, you can start the machine.

When you are working, you must first turn on the machine and preheat it. This is one of the effective ways to improve production efficiency. Then, when feeding materials into production, you must pay attention to the speed of feeding. , as long as the material is fed at a uniform speed, the equipment can perform metal shredder normally. Whenever the work is completed, the materials that have not been removed should be cleaned up in time, so as to plan ahead for the next use.

Henan Honest Heavy Machinery :,All rights reserved。

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